Just *imagine* who you might be if you only allowed it- EARLYBIRD



Welcome to the Long Awaited...


Green Goddess Retreat 

August 6-9, 2021

On the beautiful shores of Kezar Lake

North Sutton, New Hampshire



Retreat Only: Earlybird (until 5/1) $1597 $1300


Retreat Plus Discover What You Really Want program (highly recommended):

Earlybird (until 5/1) $2397 $1997 





I'm IN for the Retreat!


I want it all! Book me on the Retreat & Ikigai


Why the Discover Program? Why not "just the (awesome) retreat?"

We know Goddesses need Peace, Love, Fun, Nature, and Time without their FAMILY. No phones, no distraction, only nature, art, yoga, and one another.

And as AWESOME as that is....what I know is that this 7 week program to DISCOVER what you really and truly want....that's the PERFECT precursor to it all the greengoddess goodness!

**The Discover What you Really Want, IKIGAI program will be Tuesdays in June and July...right in time for the Big Finish at the Retreat! It's GoddessGoodness at its most alive BEST!**


I want for YOU, dear goddess, to say what Joan is saying:

I am now able to love myself and step into what I am called to do....to encourage women. To help them see the beautiful beings that they are. I can stop holding myself to the hard and fast rules that were holding me back from reaching my full potential. I can now live and act into my God Given Gifts and Life Purpose.

How will we learn about what we want? What's the process; the magic?

The Magic Discovery is the IKIGAI


 Book me on the Retreat & Ikigai


Kathy Berrie

Former VP in Human Resources

Normally I would not even map out the driving time in my schedule and my energy level and think I should be getting a lot more done. By being realistic with my schedule I am finding more energy and enjoyment in my life, which in turn provides more energy to reach my next best level of self-actualization. I love the word IKIGAI and I resonate with the process.

Now let's get to the GreenGoddessRetreat Details! 

Fire, Water, and Earth 

GreenGoddess Retreat

Women Only  August 6-9, 2021

Featuring Carol Williams, Green Goddess of the Northeast

Held in the land of pure serenity

Kezar Lake, North Sutton, New Hampshire


>>Limited to 8 Women Maximum<<

Retreat PURPOSE, Inspiration...some may say my IKIGAI

I only recently realized that I have been planning this retreat since 2014. All the bold actions I have taken to put myself first, ridding myself of a relationship that was slowly killing me and my kids, loving myself again through art, nature, and movement, have brought me to this fierce place of holding this beautiful 3 days.

I want for you what I was allowed to experience from 2012 to now.

A lake full of peace, love and fun. Kayaks to play on. Loons to listen to. Eagles soaring to gaze at. Laughter and warm breezes and gentle bicycle rides. 

This setting will allow you to look inward easily. Without the distractions of family, regular obligations, and the outside world, you will reflect on what has led you to where you are, and create steps for where you want to get to. This women's only GreenGoddess Retreat will provide the time, tools, structure, and inspiration to do just that. Spend time in a group each morning doing creative exercises to un-peel the Old You that no longer works, and reveal a depth and clarity you never dreamed possible.

You will do all of this while creating and/or strengthening relationships with other like-minded women from around the country; even the world. Come alone or bring a friend and give yourself the gift of time and reflection.

Join us for an experience you will never forget.


I'm IN for the Retreat!


I want it all! Book me on the Retreat & Ikigai


Day one: Arrive!

Follansbee Inn, North Sutton, New Hampshire

Check in and relax before the welcome reception.

We'll have refreshing drinks and light snacks for you, and we will collect your cell phones.

We will connect as goddesses for our first time in person (you will meet on Facebook (and IKIGAI group!) before that).

Later, we will have a light meal and you will receive your more detailed outline for the weekend.

We will sink into the truth of ourselves and get ready for nature (and goddess Carol) to guide us.


Day two: Fire & Water

What sets your soul on fire?

You begin your day as early as you wish; we will have some options for those sunrise people.

After a hardy breakfast, we'll gather at the Inn to do our first exercise to uncover your core truths and begin to respect, honor and hone in on what lights you up in ways you may never have experienced before.

Carol will guide you and you will be supported by the other women on the retreat. 

Following lunch, we will go into the next element.


Day Three: The Journey

After a day of fire and water 'a-ha's' it will be time to dive deeper into this, then integrate these new realizations.

If you love sunrises, there will be a couple of new, lovely options to choose from before your hardy breakfast and morning activities begin. Today you will be diving even deeper into yourself and you will begin create a clear vision forward with action steps. You will start feeling even more confident as you discern what fuels you. 

After our delicious and healthy lunch, we'll do a light trek in nature. During this time, you may opt to pause and sit and reflect. You will find your mind opening and new ideas flooding in, in ways not thinkable a mere 48 hours ago.

The magic of the woods, water, green scenery and smells creates a powerful mind-cushion upon which you can grow anew. We will stop and get takeout from a local restaurant before a break and then gathering for our final group activity that evening.

We will have a fire ceremony. After this, you should be feeling lighter, freer, clearer, and more relaxed than you have been in a really long time.



Day Four: The Send Off

After breakfast, we will part ways. You will get your phone back (warning...you may not want it back...)

Some of you will keep exploring New Hampshire. 

None of you will be the same. 

The entire program including any "safe hugs" will conclude by 10:30 am on Day 4, Monday August 9, 2021.


What's Included?

- All of your meals and drinks.

- A transformative experience, detailed as a full assortment of guided activities, both inside and outside, designed to ignite our fire, fuel your re-birth, and set you on your own unique journey (described above).

- New and renewed sisterhood under the guidance of Green Goddess Coach Carol, lover of the outdoors and igniter of spirits, guide, and intuitive, loving soul.

What's not included?

- Your flight and ground transportation to and from the Inn.

- Your room fee.

- Travel Insurance.


   Most importantly, you will be more confident, grounded and centered than you may have ever been in your life.


*You’re at a crossroads*


What if you don’t come to the retreat?

You may find yourself trying new things, but never committing to anything for very long. So then you wind up in jobs that last years – even decades - (not months) and bring you down. Then you don’t have the energy to lift yourself up and instead, choose quick fixes (maybe alcohol or binge watching something) because your job and/or the people you are with are sucking the life out of you. You might be headed to depression-ville.


It’s time to take the path to your Goddess Greatness!


Imagine, waking up refreshed each morning, and feeling really excited about the possibilities for your day, week, and life.


How will that feel?


When you follow the Path to your Goddess Greatness, you can easily say NO to those “icky and long” phone calls from that “friend who really needs you” - you free yourself up to do the good you are meant to do in the world.


Sveta Parilova
Women’s Leadership Coach, New York
Carol is a fearless warrior for her clients. She has a huge heart, and she does not give up on people. She is amazing in her compassion, support, and strength. I can borrow this strength when needed to move forward.


I believe that we are all more than capable.

I believe that we are meant to be on the earth to fulfill a personal mission.

I believe that when we can harness the 4 Ikigai principles,

  • what we love,
  • what we are good at,
  • what the world needs, and
  • what we can be paid for

then that collective energy will light the light of the world…a world that is parched with dire need of us contributing to the collective benefit.

Who is this for?


The Green Goddess Retreat is for women who are done messing around.

  • You have been working at a job you may like, but do not love, for too long
  • You are ready to take charge and make the next portion of your life have meaning
  • You are yearning to feel truly fulfilled


This is NOT for you if:

  • You are not willing to look deeply within
  • You do not wish to journey with others like you and help each other
  • You are thrilled with your life at the moment and would not change a thing


Why take the Path to your Goddess Greatness?

I have found over the years that, in helping people with their productivity, that they are lackluster in what they are doing. So they find distractions. In the process of un-peeling what is really going on, work must be done…deep inner work, that requires introspection.

The ladder is the wrong ladder. They have tried so hard, for so long, and spent so much money on programs. Yet it’s not “catching.”


I'm IN for the Retreat!


I want it all! Book me on the Retreat & Ikigai



That’s why I created this retreat. It’s all about renewing and refreshing and re-discovering who you really are so that you can position yourself to be your productive best IN THE PURSUITS THAT YOU TRULY DESIRE.


How much is it worth to you to:

  • Know your true purpose so you can stop running and trying and searching?
  • Stop wasting time and energy on people and things that rob you of your life energy?
  • Finally focus on what truly matters and make progress?


So, what’s my investment?


Retreat Only: Earlybird (until 5/1) $1597 $1300


Retreat Plus Discover What You Really Want program (highly recommended):

Earlybird (until 5/1) $2397 $1997 


 (My monthly private coaching runs $1333 to $1667 per month.)

Imagine what might emerge from this priceless and pivotal work!


The Green Goddess asks you...do you want to...

  • Stop wasting time and energy on the people and things that don’t matter to you?
  • Discern what DOES matter and have the courage to lean into it?
  • Learn as a group and support each other when the challenges come in?
  • Emerge with a renewed sense of purpose, energy, and direction?

So, the question to ask yourself is, how do you want to discern and live into your true purpose fully and with clarity and joy?



 You can take the old path of bumping into walls and seeing what happens...

Or you can take the path to your Goddess Greatness 

The way I see it, only one option makes sense for REAL results.


Audie Fridstein
Career Coach and Consultant, Illinois
Carol helped me identify and eliminate energy-sucking activities and incorporating more exercise into my weekly routine. As a result, I was able to exponentially grow my business … and I continue to do so today.
 Listen to these women who walked though the IKIGAI process


I'm IN for the Retreat!


I want it all! Book me on the Retreat & Ikigai



Still have questions?

 No problem! Email me at Carol@eps-time.com or call/text 603.848.4732 – I’d be happy to chat.



  • Finally stop feeling like you "search and then pull back and settle" and get stuck...again and again
  • Learn what makes you "YOU" and how you can use that innate talent to find deep life satisfaction
  • Turn around the heaviness created by pandemic, etc. and light up the world with your light